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Pro/E & Intralink woes...


New member
Several of my users are complaining of getting blown out of Pro/E and with their pc's randomly rebboting themselves occasionally. Saves are slow and sometimes opening a model take a while to open up. Intralink Check ins and check outs are slow and randomly freezes their systems until fininshed. Systems are AMD XP-2000, w 1GB - 1.5GB ram connected to Intralink Dual P3-600 machine with a 10 mb ethernet. I would be interested in any ideas anyone has. Thanks...
Have had this happen quite often myself...

Update to the latest Build Code on Pro-E and also on Intralink. This has alieviated the problem here.
We currently use Pro/E 2001, b2001200 with Intralink 2.0, b2000470. We have 12 users and not all of them are complaining. We have a requested a new Intralink server next year and will be upgrading everything in the first qtr. Our users do a fairly good job of purging workspaces and we do purge our .proi folder every few weeks.
Hi Alex

We just upgraded from Ilink 2.0 to 3.2 and had to upgrade ProE to b2002350 but before that we ran 2.0 on b2001440 without any big problems.

I know the 2001440 version solved some of our trivial problmes with 2.0

If you have maintenance i suggest you upgrade to at least 2001440

You must purge the workspace frames.

After we check everything in, we purge all be the last 10 frames. If you have more than 60 frames....purge.

This works.

We also do a workspace compact
Hi Alex

We just upgraded from Ilink 2.0 to 3.2 and had to upgrade ProE to b2002350 but before that we ran 2.0 on b2001440 without any big problems.

I know the 2001440 version solved some of our trivial problmes with 2.0

If you have maintenance i suggest you upgrade to at least 2001440

1) use the preferences to enable Frames and set the limit to 10.

2)use modelcheck and make sure there are no external references that it mayt be searching for.

3) Don't App-Serve Pro/E (if you are)

4) make sure ehternet is full duplex.

5) use latest compatibleversions of the software. There is a compatibility matrix for Pro and Ilink on PTS's site.

6) minimize the number of workspaces (5-8)

7) use a fast hard drive, scsi, or raid for your Ilink databases.

Networking and frames generally cause most of these slow downs.
We are running a PIII-450 (1-cpu) Intralink 3.2 Server, and the client machines are P4-2.4Ghz Dell machines with 1 Gb of memory. The only thing that is catching my eye is your network card being only 10 Mbit. We upgraded to 100 Mbit on our network and saw a noticeable difference in check-in and check-out times. We used to see similar behavior prior to our system upgrade (our workstations and server already had 100 Mbit cards in them so all we had to upgrade was the network wiring and hubs themselves).

It could be that the amount of data that is trying to be pushed or pulled across your network could be hanging everyone up.

Just my 2 cents.
fanningm is correct. You must change to 100 base T network, including all hubs, routers and network cards. I weak link breaks the whole network. I have not worked on a 10mb sytem in 6 years. You will see instant results, even if there are other issues. BTW a 100mb network card only runs $15-$40, a very cost effective upgrade.
It is also a good practice to regularly execute the ldbcompact utility. This is included in the Pro/I client bin directory, and optimizes the local workspace database. The batch file that launches the client can be modified to run this command with each session.
This is my problem; I am looking to give an access to the drawings made in Pro-e and Cadkey stored in Pro-Intralink 3.3 database. Look like Product View from PTC is not able to handle Cadkey files with Pro-E files. (To store cadkey files in Pro-Intralink I had to change extension from *.prt to *.cedkey which works really good). I would appreciate any kind of suggestions.
>> connected to Intralink Dual P3-600 machine with a

>> 10 mb ethernet.

> 4) make sure ehternet is full duplex.

Never seen 10mb hardware capable of full duplex. Check carefully when buying 100mb cards because most don't support full dulplex and it makes a big difference. More than tne switch from 10 to 100 because very few applications can come even close to pumping out data at 10mb.

We had a Micron machine that didn't have integrated Ethernet. Initially it had a generic 100mb card operating over a 10mb link. It was an order of magnitude slower on network access than a Dell box of half the CPU speed operating with a built in Ethernet. Tried updating all drivers. Tried upgrading the generic card to the equivalent of what the Dell machine was using. Upgraded the link all the way back to the server to 100mb. Still an order of magnitude slower than the Dell box still running at 10mb. All we can figure is the network interaction over the PCI bus was the bottleneck. Mix and match compatible hardware at your own risk.

>Product View from PTC is not able to handle

>Cadkey files with Pro-E files.

Intralink relies on file extensions to determine what application to use when viewing or loading files. Since Cadkey and Pro/E both use the .prt extension I think you've arrived at the only solution to having both under control of Intralink.

The only loop hole I can think of is Pro/E files usually have a version number attached to the end of the file name and Cadkey doesn't. You can use that to your advantage when setting up Windows file preferences.



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