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Placing ~6000 Spheres


New member

I want to create a graphical representation of a so called pebblebed. Basicaly this means I want to place a pebble (r=0.635) in ~6000 locations (in txt file). I can import the txt file as point cloud, but then I seem to be unable to pattern on it. Doing it manually (1 by 1)is not an option due to the high amount of objects.

If you have advice on how to tackle this problem or what a macro for this would look like thenI would love to hear it.

zipped txt file with locations:
I already solved it:

You can simply create a long macro

boolstatus = Part.AddComponent("D:\vjjvandijk\Desktop\Afstuderen VvD\Geometrie pebblebeds\pebble.SLDPRT",-8.2053837,2.2300666, 0.635)

but then for all your particles and execute.

He will place a sphere at each location, now I wonder if my computer will be able to handle that many points.

Note: You can not exceed 64k in your visual basic script, so you have to do it in parts.


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