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pipe length in a drawing


New member
Is there a parameter that can be called up in a drawing that gives the feature info (overall length) for a pipe?

If not, how can a measure be created for the pipe length that can be referred to in the drawing (parametrically)?

Quick reply requested!

Ahh.... look how useful a search would have been first!

In the repeat region, enter this report symbol:


Julian, does this give you XYZ coordinates for each bend or just the overall length. I will have the same requirement for our tube bending machine in the near future.

Steve C
Ahh... the searched suggestion works for pro-piping, my pipe was made in model mode std pro-e.

So I cant answer your question if you did your pipe in pro-piping Steve sorry.

I also still need help to find a way to display the parametric overall pipe length in my drawing!
I don't have the piping module, either. So I'll be making XYZ coordinate pipes like most of us. I'm really new to Pro/E and the way I used to do it in Unigraphics was to do a point readout for each point and make my table say the same. Not parametric but easy.

Steve C
An idea that requires BMX... can you create a curve that runs down the length or center of the pipe? Then you can create a Datum Analysis feature of the type Measure - Curve Length that generates the quantity as a parameter (i.e., pipe_length). Then to report the length on the drawing, use the parameter pipe_length:fid_xxx where xxx is the feature ID number or name of the Datum Analysis feature.
Steve, the non parametric method is not safe for us to use;

Jabbadeus, I have a new curve that follows the pipe centreline parametrically so I tried this but the parameter in the analysis cannot be shown in my drawing... any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


BMX is not a requirement for a solution here. You can get the same solution with INSERT>DATUM>EVALUATE. You would have to have a datum curve or composite datum curve to get the length from.


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