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PDF conversion


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hope someone can help.

I want to create a PDF file from within Pro-E. The problem is that I am using Pro-E on the UNIX platform (Sun Solaris). Adobe doesn't make a version for UNIX. My solution so far has been to Save a copy as a DXF. Then I FTP it to my Windows box and then DXFIN into AutoCad and then from there I create the PDF. The quality as you may guess sucks after the export and importing of it.

If anyone can help....thanks in advance!
There's an executable ps2pdf that will do the trick. The only Unix I've experience with is Linux but I'm sure you can get this for Solaris. It shouldn't be too hard to automate the process by piping the Postscript printer output to a script that runs the ps2pdf program. Quality is excellent.

Bernie Hayden

You may also try Ghostscript. They make a converter for UNIX

It is free shareware. I have used it and it works pretty good.

You will also need a batch (*.pcf) file to make it run. Put it in you plot_config folder

@echo off

rem ** Get the plot file name and location from the command line.

set INNAME=%1

rem ** Change the .plt (Change to .ps if you are using that extension) to .pdf for the output.

set OUTNAME=%INNAME:.plt=.pdf%

rem ** Delete any pdf files that exist with the same name


rem ** Change to the directory where Ghostscript is installed

cd c:\gstools\gs5.50

rem ** Start Ghostscript, make sure that C:\gstools\gs5.50 is set in your path.

rem ** For NT this is setup in: Control Panel + System + Enviroment + path.

call c:\gstools\gs5.50\ps2pdf %INNAME% %OUTNAME%

rem call ps2pdf %INNAME% %OUTNAME%

rem ** Change back to the pdf directory


cd C:\ptc\protmp\plots

rem ** Delete the original plot file.

del %INNAME%

You may need to change the names and paths to suit your unix script
Thanks everyone for your advice. I tried them all. What I ended up doing was just doing the DXF. I did the .PS (postscript), and then ran it through Distiller, but the quality wasn't there. It tended to be a little muddy for my liking. The DXF version was just a bit better. Thanks again everyone!


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