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Part Replacement in Assembly


New member
One more call for tips,

Ive got a good sized assembly (40 parts or so) and we are going through revisions on some of the parts. When I make the new part drawing I "save a copy" so that the associated drawings will associate with the new part. I thought that the new part would also be associated in the assembly but that didnt happen. Should it happen and I did something wrong? thanks,

If I'm understanding correctly, the only way it will update in the assembly is if you have the assembly in session at the time of the saveas and you actually save the assembly with the update. If you don't save the assembly, when you pull it up later, you'll get the old part still.

If you want the assy to use the new part you need to open the assy, the part drawing and the part. Then rename "in session" the part and the part drawing. Now you can change the part without affecting the original. Save all three (assy, part & part drawing).


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