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Outsourcing tech jobs


You can find articles about anything in the AP and on the internet. What you have to look at is who is behind them, what are their motives and how believeable the information is. Just because the AP reports that it is good does not mean that this is really true. Most media companies are owned and operated by large corporations or influential people who have a stake in keeping cheap labor outsourcing on the table. Bottom line is that you cannot take any reports at face value until you know the underlying motives of the creator. Anything that puts people out of work at the rate that offshoring has done, cannot be good for the economy unless we export more than we are importing and the hard truth is that the US imports and has huge trade deficits with China and other nations that we are handing our jobs over to. Without good paying jobs the economy will falter because consumer confidence will be lost and the market will once again take a huge dive as it is one of the only things holding the market up currently.

Look, we always run trade deficits because money keeps pouring into our markets. The truth of the matter is that the BETTER the economy is doing, the HIGHER our trade deficits have always been because we have more money to buy BMWs and Benzes and Lexuses. The trade deficit shrinks during recessions, when we have less disposable income. So, an increasing trade deficit is a sign of affluence, not decline. In case no one noticed, the economy grew at 4.1% last quarter, 3% the quarter before that, and 8.2% the quarter before that. Get ready for some bigger trade deficits.

As far as the off-shoring of tech jobs, a little rationality is in order. Of the three million jobs lost in the last recession, 130,000 of them went overseas. The rest just went. That is less than 5% of the jobs LOST, not total employment. Hardly a crisis of cosmic proportions.

This is all a tempest in a teapot, played up by a pliable media to make GW look bad. Add a touch of xenophobia and a dash of jingoism, and you have all the makings of John Kerry's campaign.

I don't know why my profile was blank, I had filled it out before. So I reentered my info. I hope this makes you happy. I guess you assumed I was not american or something. I am from Wisconsin and posted this article because I thought it might interest many people from this group. I am not trying to sway anyones' opinion, just hoping everyone keeps an open mind.


Did you even read the article? At the bottom it clearly states the source of the data, the ITAA and links to their page: The Information Tecnology Association of America is an orginization dedicated to the growth and health of the IT Industry in the US. I wouldn't treat it as gosple, but I think their study is credible.


I did read the article and understand what group was behind the information. My point was, that there is sooooo much information/mis-information on the web and in media, that one has to look beyond the printed word before just believing what one reads. Just because a group is for the growth of a particular industry does not mean that they are lacking an agenda and that they support US workers versus offshoring, H1B and L1 Visas, etc...

Thanx for the input


There was no double posting (rule #5) and the Rant & Rave category is the perfect area for this discussion (rule #6). As for Rule #7, keep it related to ProE, your point is well taken. It is a bit of a stretch from ProE. But I contend that it does relate to the following topic

But I did not want tag on to a already excessively long thread. I might also suggest that if you only want to read useful tips, fixes, etc, that you do not read any posts to the Rant and Rave Forum.


I think that I am missing the point that you are trying to show. As far as the rest of the people that keep crying about sending work over seas. The government has been doing this stuff for years. It bit em in the ass when they did it in Japan and Mexico. The real deal is that the other countries don't have the talent for R&D that that we have. If they want to send the manufacturing that does not take alot of skill over there oh well. We need to just get smarter and better at what we do instead of bitching about it. Us poor working stiff's dont' have a lot of power to stop big money from doing what ever they feel. We may not like what is going on but we all like freedom and this is part of it.
I think that I am missing the point that you are trying to show.

Should read points 5, 6 & 7 and consider who the replier is that this statement this belongs to..

PS On a completely different subject, is everyone else having a problem with the remember me button ??
This sounds like a personal attack on what or how he makes his living with pro e? This forum is about and for pro e users. Outsourcing affects all people. I still say that it is a fact of life and people should learn how to work around it a stop crying. We have people in the US working at the govenrmrnt level to help fix some of this problem. I never filled out my profile so I quess I must be a Russian spy or somthing. These strings are turning more into bashing people and countries than real issues to Rant & Raveabout.
I think dougr is trying to say that Speling has many posts which have no relation at all to ProE, yet he appears indignant that others are using the forum (albeit Rant&Rave) for off-ProE topics. One is even about meeting women, like this one:

I can believe that only few females are on this web site
cncwhiz, I don't think it's the Government that is sending these jobs oversees, it the companies that want to make more money for its shareholders that are doing the outsourcing. The Government could lower taxes for these businesses and have less red tape to start new businesses, if it were going to do something about it, but when the liberal media hears about lowering taxes, especially for big business, they'll spin it another way.

Yes, Doug, I'm having that same problem with the 'remember me button. I thought my IT guys were doing something to my machine.

Steve C
Hmm, this is the first I've heard of the Remember Me button not working. Must have done something the other day when I started flagging expired memberships. I'll look into it. Thanks.

