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Opening proe file with missing components


New member
I often get Pro/E assemblies with missing components. My goal is to convert the part into ProductView or Mockup for visualization. The missing components are often parts the user doesn't want to visualize.

Unfortunately, for every missing part I have to perform a Quick Fix->Suppress to fix the problem and continue. Is there any way to automatically suppress missing components?

So Clip Supp will cause every future missing component in the hierarchy to be suppressed. My problem is I keep having to do it over and over again for every missing component in the assembly hierarchy


<DIV>Make a mapkey...</DIV>
<DIV>You can also set your setting FREEZE_FAILED_ASSY_COMP to YES. This has no effect on missing components, but will automatically freeze other components that are failing due to your missing components.</DIV>
<DIV>Once you get the assembly up, create a simplified rep that excludes the missing components. Then the next time you bring it up, you can open the simp rep instead of the master.</DIV>
If you are using Pro/Intralink, select the object in your workspace and then RMB-Open (or choose Object / Open from the menu). Opening an object this way will automatically supress any objects that can not be located. I know this works in 3.2 and I'm pretty sure in previous versions as well, but I have not tested this in newer versions.


