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Opening family table generics quickly


New member
I use alot of family tabled extrusion parts, I can never remember the name of the generic members though. When I go to open the generics I have to go to model info and get the model name from there, then go to file open....grrrrr.

Is there any way to open generic members quickly from a family table instance without having to do as I have stated above?

Thanks in advance,

Well, if you have opened an instance of a family table then the generic is in session. It's not exactly fast, but you can go to in session and pick your generic from there. But yes, that is assuming that is the only model in session to chose from. Unless you are using windchill or a data management system of some sort, I do not know of any other way. Sorry.


there is an option in : menu_show_instances (yes or no)

Determines whether instance names listed in instance index files appear in file lists

So if you set this option to yes you will be able to see the generic part of the instances.

For example if an instance has a number 1001, and the generic part 1111, every time you use the File>open command you have this appearance in your file list : 1001 (1111),prt, so proe gives you full info about the instance part and its generic part

Try this and reply me your comments

Karavasilis V. Christos

