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NVidia FX3000 Crash


New member
I'm running a Nvidia FX3000 on a Maxvision 6200. The Maxvision is a Dual Processor AMD box. I used to run a Wildcat 5100, prior to Wildfire and the 5110 wouldn't work with Wildfire at all. Presently I am getting numerous crashes in Wildfire with the FX. It happens always during dynamic viewing, ie: rotating panning, etc. Pro just disappears, no errors or warning. Does anyone have any ideas?
Nvidia only lists the 61.94 for Pro/E. I have tried other drivers, but not since a recent major overhaul of this box, ie: windows reload.

Which of the other drivers would you recommend? My first choice would be the newest (71.94) without any other guidence.
off the record- try some different options and see which performs best for YOU- we found one driver that smoked on our big flatscreens- seemed twice as sharp... its a touch and go affair.
I'm going through different drivers now.... But I just want to make sure I'm uninstalling/installing teh best/correct way.

I first uninstall using, add/remove softare in Windows. Reboot. At start up, I cancel out of the "found new hardware" dialog and go to the driver exe that I want. Execute that file, reboot. When it comes up again it tells me that it has finished installing new hardware, reboot. Again...
Right click on desktop and select properties. Choose the settings tab at the top right. Click the "Advanced" button on the bottom right. Now click on the Adaptor tab at the top and select properties. This will open another dialog box. Click on the Driver tab at the top and select the Uninstall icon at the bottom left. After this you may need to restart your computer. But you will notice a diference on detail of the graphics. When you restart the computer go to the driver.exe file and run it.

At least this is how I do it.
I cant believe that professional graphic card like FX3000 would work worse then regular card FX5600 which I'm using. I have no problem with WildFire or WildFire 2.0, and I can open all 15 windows of Pro/E. So in your situation is driver definitely the problem.
Thanks for everyones help and comments. You were all correct, it definitely seems to have been the driver. I am presently running 56.56 without incident, so far.....I am also genuinly impressed at the transparencies and textures with this driver, hugh difference. I am tempted to try some other drivers as well, for improved clarity etc.. But first I'll run this one a while to assure that I have a robust solution. Thanks again!

