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new drawing.


New member
I was wondering if anybody could help me out. I am trying to make my drawing process go a little bit faster. In my company we create a sub assembly of say 50 parts, sometimes more, then make a drawing of that sub assembly. I was wondering if there was an option or command that would insert all parts from that sub assembly or some how tag all of the parts that needed to be detailed then those get inserted into the drawing. I know that you can insert automatic 3 views and was trying to take it a step further. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be good. thanks for the help in advance.
Hi, you can do it many ways. In the drawing of your assembly -> Insert -> Part/Assembly. And in the drawing you can make 3 views. Another way is:
You open second sheet, on this sheet you make drawing of your part, than copy this drawing and paste it on your first sheet. Other way is to save all drawings in dwg file format, and than in autocad to create new drawing :).
I am sure that thisis possible, GATNACT, but I do not know HOW :). That, because I know Visual Basic but I do not know VB for SW. Someone, heare, can define a VB routine wich find all the subanssambly or part or enything else in the tree manager. After you have that soubroutine is an "easy" step to make a macro then to link the two soubroutines.

I write this post because I am interested in two ways: First, I wish to learn VB for SW and the easy way is to analise good codes, and second because your problem, GATNACT, is main too.

Good luck !

