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Need someone to translate an SLDASM file


New member
I have an SLDASM file that I need to import to 3ds MAX. Could someone convert this file to a format that 3ds MAX can understand? I'll pay for your time spent doing the conversion if you'd like, but I need it this weekend if possible. We are doing a 3d animation project at work that involves a DENSO 5 axis robot model, and I have it as a SLDASM file, but I cannot convert it to 3ds. If you can't convert it to 3ds, then a DWG, DXF, STL, OBJ, or an FBX. If you can convert it, please send it to adamcarsonb at

Thanks for the help!

here's a link to the file...

adamcarsonb at

Edited by: adamcarsonb
I checked 3DS and it appears it can import IGES so I have converted the
assembly and parts to IGES.

The compressed file is still 9MB so I hope you can receive something that
large, if you do not receive it, you can email me at:

info AT

Hope it helps.


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