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Need plotter help


New member
Don't ask me how, but I have some how become the administrator for ProE in my office...

I'm having trouble creating a configuration so that my printer detects
the correct paper size. Here is the config file I'm using:

plotter MS_PRINT_MGR

button_name B-Size

button_help Print using Windows Printer Manager.

plot_drawing_format YES default

plot_segmented NO default

plot_roll_media NO default

plot_label YES default

plot_handshake software default

plot_label_height 0.125000 IN

create_separate_files NO default

plot_with_panzoom YES default

rotate_plotting YES default

allow_file_naming YES

plot_name YES

interface_quality 3 default

plot_destination file default

pen_table_file P:\\proe\\startup\\table.pnt

plot_sheets current

paper_size Variable 17.000000 11.000000

paper_outline NO default

plot_clip NO default

plot_area NO default

No matter what I do, when I attempt to print using that printer I get
an A size drawing out of the printer (I want B size). I know it is not
a problem with the printer itself because with all the other programs I
have tried (MS Office, AutoCAD, Visio, GIMP), the printer has picked
the correct paper tray/size to use. This is really starting to annoy me
because I always have to manually pick the paper size.
You mean set the printer to default to paper size? If that's what you
mean it can't be done because 75% of the time the printer needs to
print 8.5"x11".
This is one thing I wishPTC would do a better job at, but anyway....

This is the b-size .pcf file we use for our HP laserjet printer.

plotter MS_PRINT_MGR
button_name B-sizeq
button_help Print using Windows Printer Manager.
plot_drawing_format YES default
plot_segmented NO default
plot_roll_media NO default
plot_handshake NO default
plot_label NO default
create_separate_files NO default
plot_with_panzoom NO default
rotate_plotting NO default
allow_file_naming YES
plot_name YES
interface_quality 3 default
plot_destination file default
plot_file_dir C:\ptc\plotfile\
pen_table_file Q:\ptc\pro-stds\plotters\lcl_post.pnt
plot_sheets current default
paper_size B default
plot_clip NO default
plot_area NO default

Good Luck
Whenever possible, I recommend avoiding theMS_PRINT_MGR printer.

Here's my PCF for sending a B-size plot to our laser:

plotter postscript
button_name ptc06-b
button_help Plot B-size to ptc06 (laser outside plotter room)
paper_size b
plot_file_dir c:\temp
plot_sheets current default
plot_with_panzoom NO default

Edited by: Brian_Adkins
Send your plotter_command to a batch file. Then script your batch file to change to "tray 2" B size/11x17 paper then to print.

plotter_command C:\bprint.bat
a couple of lines from my metric laser pcf are

paper_size_allowed a3 a4 variable

paper_size a3

I have been using this for years without problem

According to my copy of the documentation, "default" is not a valid paper_size option

valid ones are

paper size/ variable X Y units

I used to append headers and trailers to the plot file to force
particular paper sizes via the batch file but a couple of years ago
found I no longer needed to do that

also plot_name should be plot_names


I had a similar problem with an New HP Printer we got. How I fixed it was set the default paper size to B and disable the autoselect from trays. For some reason when the B size print would go through it was always going to the letter size, since that was default.

Believe it or not all other printing works fine as well, you would think that the default paper is B and if someone did not specify the size it would be on B, but because windows tells the paper size and it's set in the windows prefs, it works fine..

