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Multipage Pro/e drawing


New member
I'm using pro/e Wildfire 2.0. I have created 3 separate part models, I want to create a multiple 3 page drawing (.drw) of the part models together. the 1st page (1 of 3)and 2nd page (2 of 3)wouldshow the parts and the 3rd page(3 of 3) would show the assembled unit. Is it possible to do this and how is it done?

Thank you

Yes it is possible....

1. Add two new sheets to your drawing (Insert>-Sheet)

2. Add each model to drawing (On a blank area of the drawing, RMB, Properties, Drawing Models, Add Model, Search for and add each new model you want.

3. Set the model you want to insert (In Drawing Models, Set Model and choose from the list which model you want to insert)

4. Back to drawing and insert a drawing view as per normal

One thing to remember when working on multi-page/multi-model drawings; the format on each sheet will refer to the model that is active when the format is added to the sheet, not neccessary to the main model for the drawing. In imperial's case I would assume the formats should refer to the assembly shown on sheet 3. If I was doing the same thing, I would wait until I was added the assembly views and add the formats. As an alternative, you could activate the assembly as thecurrent model in the drawing and replace the formats on all sheets.


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