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Moving selected parts out of assembly


New member
What I want to do is remove say last 20 componets ones that are not have and relationships after them to another assembly. Then I would have a subassebly for those componets?

Also sometimes I mistakenly assemble a component at the wrong level how can I move the components to lower sub-assembly if the component only reference that lower sub-assembly?
It's too bad that you can't just drag components from one part of the assy tree to another, like I can with Unigraphics
You can use the Restructure command and select the subassmebly that you wish the component to be placed in. You will then have to go into that subassembly and redefine the constraints if you want to break external references.

Create a new empty subassy in the main assy that you want to restructure.Make sure your components you intend to move, doesnt have any critical constraints and is not a member of any patterns or groups (i.e parts should be visible in the history tree). Use the restructure command. (you can only move one component at a time, so i suggest that you make a mapkey that contains the restructure command). Save the main assy. Then delete the sub assy. Now you have an assembly containing the preferred parts. Open it and insert constrains if needed.

