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Mold base loading procedure


New member
Can nay body help me for correct procedure for loading mold base ?

I have installed the library . Now how to create the searchpath config ?

Please let me know the detail steps to be followed .

Thanks in advance ,

Hi tushar

first of all make a back up copy of your file somewhere. go to mold base library root directory then moldlib\bin\i486_nt\ or i486_95\, here you ill find an exe file named mkmoldconfig. copy this file and put it on your proe startup directory. then run it, it will ask you to locate the load point directory for mold library. then it will again ask for replace or append the file. chose append, then its done.

if it change completely your old and u need that too, so plz open both files in note pad and copy and paste your old file contants in the new. tell me is this working or not


[email protected]


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