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Merging a shelled loft and extruded base.


New member
I've had an impossible time with trying to merge a
shelled out loft with an extruded base. I've designed an
exhaust manifold and have routed the lofts between ports
and these lofts are shelled to produce the passageways.
But mounting flanges need to be added to these ports and
trying to do this with the extruded base feature is
causing nothing but problems. I cannot seem to find a
way to instruct SW to leave the open space in the loft
open when a flange is extruded. I keep catch-22ing with
this. You cannot merge the flange to the original solid
pathway (before shelling) and then try to shell out just
the solid pathway. I cannot extrude the flange with the
hole already in it as the runners' pathway are not
perpendicular to the extrusion plane - the extrusion must
take this open space of the shelled body into account.

Additionally, trying to do a lofted cut on a shelled body
is virtually impossible as it requires all of the
torsional connectors to be placed identically to the
original solid pathway.

I'm at an impasse with this step. Any suggestions are
greatly appreciated!

Here is an image of the part - this is the unshelled
runners and the sketches of the flanges. Gallery/Exhaust Manifolds/d


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