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Menu Mapper very incomplete


New member
Menu mapper isnot much help beyond upper levle commands. It only shows the main menu selections and has nothing on all the option menu selections. For example

<Feature><Create><Tweak><Offset> is only as deep as Menu Mapper goes. But there are many options below that level. How is a person supposed to find these?

Where is the <whole surface> tweak option with the <pick loops> option? The only thing visible in the WF offset function is the sketch region.

If I have to sketch just to select a surface segment I'm losing productivity, not gaining.

It's probably there, I just can't find it. I've found mostfunctionality is still there, its justreal hard to find sometimes.
Tweak>Offset has moved to Edit>Offset but the trick is in the way you select the surface. You have to click once on the surface, then move the arrow over a little bit and click again until your surface is red in shaded mode or meshed in wireframe. After that, select Edit>Offset and click on the arrow in the dashboard to select Replace Surface.
mgnt8 said:
Tweak>Offset has moved to Edit>Offset but the trick is in the way you select the surface. You have to click once on the surface, then move the arrow over a little bit and click again until your surface is red in shaded mode or meshed in wireframe. After that, select Edit>Offset and click on the arrow in the dashboard to select Replace Surface.

I have that part down. It was the ability to exlcude loops that I couldn't find. But after going back and looking, I figured outthat it appears in the references menu when you change the type to expand and the option to whole surface.
Tweak-Replace was an option that I used frequently and had a very difficult time finding in Wildfire. One of the most annoying parts is the way that we have to choose the surfaces.

Perhaps the next version will be more user friendly


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