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Mechanica units


New member
Hello all,

I am a new user and I'm really lost! I use Mechanica Wildfire 2.0 (without Pro/Engineer) and I want to know which system units are defined by default and how to change them.

I've read that in Pro/Mechanica the system units by default are Inches-Pounds-Seconds. Also I've read that in Mechanica there are no units, it only works with the values you enter... Is that correct? And I think... if there are no system units, how can you know, if the result is meter or milimeter or ...

Thanks a lot.

Where did you read that mechanica doenot use units??. It takes the unit that is defined in the part.also in results(on the top left corner) you can see the units of that particular result.


Deepak Bhat
I've read it in a pdf...

"It is crucial to use a consistent set of units throughout your Pro/M activities. The program itself has no default set of units (other than those brought in with the model from Pro/E), and only uses the numerical values provided by you."

When you say that the unit is defined in the part... how? When I assign the material?

when you work in standard application go to edit ->set up->units .

the default units are inches.if you've designed your part and you wish to change the units ,choose interpret from excisting numbers...or sth.....anyway the 2nd option...


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