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mechanica - angular dispacement


New member
I am trying to output the rotataion of a bearing outer race as it is loaded in an assembly in a housing. To get the rotation (about Z) I've tried putting a shell element on the surface of the bearing (can't get rotations from solids), which works with the bearing modelled on its own. However when I put the bearing into the assembly, ProE wont mesh the model with the shell element of the bearing in contact with the housing. Anyone got any solutions of either another way to output rotation or a solution to the above problem
I'm not sure if I understand, but couldn't you create a cylindrical coordinate system & output the theta displacement? No shells needed!
Hi bem

I tried that butfound thatMechanica doesn't output results for theTheta value thatmake any sense. To test it I created a simple rod, performed the calculation for the rotation by hand, and then compared that to the Mechanica output. I found that the Theta value(extracted as a displacement, extracting rotation of Theta returns a zero value) did not compare with the calculation for the rod. Only using a shell element and getting the rotation about axis Z gave me a correct value.


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