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mapkey errors


New member
The mapkeys I have specified to set the working directories do not work. Instead of setting the corect folders they set (all 27 mapkeys) the same folder that has nothing to do with the working directories.

Can I manualy set these and if so what text do I enter? Here are two examples of what I have:

mapkey ws @MAPKEY_LABELEnvironmental Box;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `ProCmdSessionChangeDir.file`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_path.up_directory`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_path.up_directory`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `Environmental_boxes`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `Environmental_boxes`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `Parts`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `Parts`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Open`;
mapkey wt @MAPKEY_LABELCatcher;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `ProCmdSessionChangeDir.file`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_path.up_directory`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_path.up_directory`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `Catcher`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `Catcher`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `parts`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Ph_list.Filelist`1 `parts`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_open` `Open`;

Thanks -Tom
I set the startup directory by right clicking the Pro/E shortcut icon, pick properties and set the Start in folder.

If you look at the mapkey you posted, it has relative path names in it: `Ph_path.up_directory`. If you want it to work from any directory you need absolute path names. You need to pick the look in pulldown menu at the top of the dialog box and start from your top level directory.


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