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lose license when using mechanica

Nose Bleed

New member
Hi Folks!

Okay, I'm using Wilfire M190......

Has anyone else found an issue when using Mechanica, that when you transfer your model back into Pro/e, and then back to Pro/Mechanica - you lose your license?

Or - when you're using Mechanica, and you need to make a change in your setups, then try to re-run your analysis, you lose your license?

I'm running on a network, which requires me to be connected to a license server...
HA! I figured it out!

I had multiple installs of old versions of Pro/E and Mechanica - thus the Path was pointing to everysingle one of those installs on different partitions of my hard drive. Some of those previous installs pointed to an old license server which had been removed from service.

So - If you're having this problem too - try completely deleting old directories of Pro/E.... and never change the installation directory on future installs.

