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loadpoint dir


New member
I just set up a config.sup file. I placed this in a folder on my network that is read by proe because I set the "start in" location underthe properties settingsby right clicking the proe icon on mydesktop. However, proe still did not read the*.sup file. So I moved it to the Text folder under the Programs>Proe folder. Proe read the *.sup file after I did this.

My question is this. I what to store this file on the net work and have the other stations read the file. How do I do this?



There are many solutions. This is how I handeled it.

To upload updated company configs to the client machine this line must be added to the first line of the proe*.bat

xcopy \fullpath-on-common-file-server\config.* C:\Progra~1\proe2001\text\* /Y /D

"config.*" selects both config.sup and
"C:\Progra~1\proe2001\text\*" is the path to the destination.
"/Y" suppresses prompting to overwrite an existing file.
"/D" copies only changed files (newer ones)

This will only copy over the configs if they are newer than what exists on the client. The only drawback is that you sometimes need to add this line whenever you update your proe version.

This will save you the trouble of sending out a batch file and relying on people to run it. It only takes a split second if the files don't need updating.

Just be sure that you have these files on a "read only" share.
If your clients are running a login script when accessing the network you can add the copy lines into that script.

Then you dont need to update the client everytime you need to push new files to clients with local Pro/E installations.

