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level point dimensioning


New member
I need to create dimensions in assy, but i dont want the witness lines, dimension lines and arrow to appear, instead i just want < symbol to appear next to the dimension. Is it possible to create such a dim style?

View attachment 84
It can be Done, but one wonders what a drawing inspector would make of it.

1. Create a dim, (easier than use shown dims)

2.toggle dims from value to symbol 486 to add1 (or whatever the dim ID is)

3.Create a not with &add1 (again whatever)

4. The original dim will disappear.

5. Rotate the note 90
But the above is only one dimension of an assy, there are hundreds of dimensions, if i do as above it'll become leborious. Ok answer this question, can we erase the dimension line? I can make the witnessline invisible and arrows open and wide, but i could'nt erase the dim line.


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