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Automotive design gurus:

I have a project that I am working on that requires me to learn a
little more ISDX than I've used in the past. The project is a
bike frame, and I would like to mold the pieces in order to
create a concept model. Tubes are not a problem, however, is the
joining of the tubes. Since this will be a carbon fiber creation
eventually, I would like to make it look something like the trek 5500
from a few years ago.

So, what I am looking for is some insight into the complex usage of
this tool (ISDX). I've worked a little at home on it, and I can
make it look similar, but I was wondering if there were any tricks of
the trade (i.e. I always use 3 point curves, or something like that)

Any help would be appreciated.


/If you would like to approximate this in a model and tell me how to
work your example (tutorial style) that would be cool too. I'm
not far enough in the model to worry about starting over.
Edited by: MFegenbush
Ok, I think I fixed the problem. I couldn't get the link to show up without the space, so I just uploaded the image.
I looked at the guitar, and it did help a lot. I think that I
should be able to get the jont that I have been looking for. I
worked on it a little this morning, and I will some more tonight.
I will post my results when I am done.




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