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intralink3.4 with Pro/E 2001 does it work


New member
Hi Guys

We are just at the point of upgrading your Intralink from 2 to 3.4

and for the short term staying with Pro/E 2001, has anybody done this??

It there any problems or tips one can give???

Also am I right is saying no more application manager ????

If so how do you start Pro/E linked to a Workspace???

Many Thanks Don

#1 compatibility matrix can be found at url below.

#2 Load both applications and pdm_ldb_path (.proi) locally for best performance ensuring that any virus checking is disabled for the .proi folder

#3 No application manager within wildfire

#4 When you install Pro/I it will ask for a Pro/E installation directory, you can then select a command.

If you want a couple of batch files, email me direct.


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