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Intralink 3.4 Commonspace Library


New member
A recent sale of our company has left us with dead links and out-of-box configurations. I have managed to repair most, however the previous company had placed folders out on a mapped drive of the network. These folders contained start parts, formats, symbols, parts and material libraries and such. The problem I'm having starts first with a question:

1) All the files that have been checked into Intralink (previously) with this mapped drive and its associated may need to have theirpath changed? if I put everything into Intralink Commonspace.I.e If I check out a current drawing Wildfire is going to try and put the drawing back together with parts / assemblies and their associated formats which are mapped outside of Intralink. If I remove of block these folders after moving everything to Commonspace Wildfire may not be able to reconstruct the drawing / assemblies (symbols, Material, anything else in these folders on the mapped drive).

2) Intralink 3.4 MO40 - I am unable to set-up Folders in a tree structure in Commonspace. i.e. Material selection wizard in Wildfire 3 looks to a ROOT folder of Material and from there it is sub-directories down to your mtl file. Intralink will not recognize these sub folders. So far I have only been able to get Intralink to recognize the ROOT. Config options may be the answer by setting the ROOT first and then another config option for the file with full path. But doing this would cause me to create a whole lot of folders and this just doesn't seem practical.

Any help in suggestions / comments is appreciated.
If I understand correctly, you imported all files from the mapped drive on the network to workspace and then checked them in to the commonspace. After check-in Intralink should be able to recognize relations between models (also between parts and assemblies) and drawings.

But there is one catch. Intralink does not recognize suppresed objects so, when you try to resume them, you will get to Resolve Mode trying to find missing component. You can resolve this by showing the path to the mapped network drive, where this component exists.

So, the best way to import objects from path external to Intralink is to open drawings in ProE and save them to workspace.

As of symbols, material,... Symbols don't have the path saved with the drawing, so it does not matter where the pro_symbol_dir option points to. However it does matter for inserting new symbols into the drawing.

Our configuration is setup with start parts, material, symbols and other stuff on the mapped network drive so everyone has access to them, but the formats and library are saved in the commonspace (for the library and formats to work correctly you need to set up config option pro_format_dir and pro_library_dir to ilcs://Root Folder/formats andilcs://Root Folder/library, respectively).

Our folder structure in CS is set up as follows:

Root Folder
|_ Formats
|_ Library (standard parts)
|_ Projects (all the models and drawings)
|_ Project 1
|_ Project 2
|_ ...

I hope this answers first question.


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