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Instance in Drawing

A drawing template doesn't call a part. You can open the instance and create a drawing using the template. If you have already created a drawing using the generic part select File>Properties>Drawing Models, select Replace, and select the instance from the Select Instance dialog box.
Edited by: kdem
I am working on sheetmetal part, in which i have to add
both generic part & an instance in my drawing. Generic part
as a bending drawing & instance as a flat drawing for
punching. And i want to create a template which will add
both when i use my template to create a drawing.
A drawing template isn't going to do that. You could create a template for the formed state drawing and one for the flat state drawing and then merge the individual drawings.
With one of the drawings open select Insert>Shared Data>From File and select the other drawing. This also works with drawings that are in session but not saved.


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