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Installation Errors on Linux


New member
Hi all,

First time here.

I am trying to install PROE Wildfire 2.0 in my Linux machine. I get
this error when I am trying to run the setup script provided in the
installation in CDROM

Starting PTC.Setup, please wait ...<br style="font-style: italic;">
ERROR: /mnt/cdrom/dsrc/i486_linux/obj/ptcsetup - file is missing.<br style="font-style: italic;">
Check the name of the CD mount directory.

I don't find any file named "ptcsetup" inside "/mnt/cdrom/dsrc/i486_linux/obj/" instead I find a binary file named "redirect" inside that directory (above mentioned).

I checked the installation guide found in the "html" directory in the
installation CD, it just says start the install by running the "setup"
script. Any thoughts on whats going wrong?.

Thanks for your time,

I am sorry I should have mentioned this in my earlier post. I am running Redhat 9.0 on my machine.



On my Solaris workstation I popped a copy of the Linux CD (M140) into the CD drive and went to the directory in question.

$ cd /cdrom/proengineer/dsrc/i486_linux/obj

$ ls -al

total 28347

dr-xr-xr-x 2 root sys 2048 Jul 15 22:40 .

dr-xr-xr-x 2 root sys 2048 Jul 15 22:40 ..

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root sys 14491197 Jul 15 22:40 ptcsetup

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root sys 17669 Jul 15 22:40 redirect


It appears you may have a defective CD, I show the file in question on my CD.


Thanks for your reply. Yeah, it looks like the CD was defective, I got
the install done over the internet from the ptc website. Everything
worked just fine.



