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Information for section’s datum


New member
Hi all,

I tried to find were can I see the connection of datum which use to create a section.
Some times I erase a datum and only after that I open the drawing file I figure out that it was used by the section.

So, how can I see the connection between the datum and the section
Hi vlad1979

I don't know how I didn't notice this line.<br style="font-weight: normal;"><br style="font-weight: normal;">thanks
As a rule I rename datum planes created for cross sections to show the section name, i.e. SECT-C-C. This would not help if the datum plane was used as a GD&T datum, but then it would be deleted as often.
As far as I know you can't delete a "set datum" once you use it in a geometric tolerance in drawing. If you have the option to delete it from model tree it means you are not using it in a "geom tol" in drawing.

But the naming stuff is a good practice, I do it, too, to keep track of all the datums I use for sections, set-datums ...
In WF2, another option to see the planes used for X-Sections is to open View Manager, X-Sec window and then point with the mouse on the created X-section. In status line Pro/E will show you references, used for X-section.
The problem with the datum as "used by geometric tolerance" is, that it will be always shown on the drawing and you will always have to erase it from all of the relevant views.

I personaly prefer naming the datums with the x-section names, the problem arise only when creating offset x-sec, where you don't have specific datum, bound to the x-sec.


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