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Importing text .dat file


New member
I have a simple ASCII .dat file with a 2d curve in it. How do I import this into Pro/ENGINEER 2001? I'm relatively new to this, so step-by-step would be great.

Here's the file:


NACA 0012-34

1.0000 0.00120

0.9500 0.01027

0.9000 0.01867

0.8000 0.03320

0.7000 0.04480

0.6000 0.05320

0.5000 0.05827

0.4000 0.06000

0.3000 0.05800

0.2000 0.05093

0.1500 0.04493

0.1000 0.03653

0.0750 0.03133

0.0500 0.02493

0.0250 0.01680

0.0125 0.01133

0.0000 0.00000

0.0125 -0.01133

0.0250 -0.01680

0.0500 -0.02493

0.0750 -0.03133

0.1000 -0.03653

0.1500 -0.04493

0.2000 -0.05093

0.3000 -0.05800

0.4000 -0.06000

0.5000 -0.05827

0.6000 -0.05320

0.7000 -0.04480

0.8000 -0.03320

0.9000 -0.01867

0.9500 -0.01027

1.0000 -0.00120


- Joel
joel very simple naca airfoil. do cut paste to creat a .pts (points) file that contain x y z. then creat the foil or the points from file.

i hope this help.

Ok, now i've got a 3-column file with x, y, and z named naca001234.pts. Now what do I do with it?

- Joel
creat part that contains csys - creat point - offset csys - pick csys - cartesian - read points - (go to where naca... is and select) done

Ah, thank you very much, that did the trick. Now I have a datum curve of my airfoil... so how do I put a real curve on it so I can extrude it?

- Joel
joel tell what are you trying to accomplish? tell me are you just trying to do a pretty picture or ? If you just want to extrude from here to ... or just use edge or to many way to get it do.



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