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Importing CGM file into Pro/E


New member
I have this .CGM file of a drawing sent by a customer. When I tried to import it into Pro/E or directly say File-Open, Pro/E crashes out without showing any error msgs. Can't seem to figure what the problem is. Is this something to do with the graphics card stuff?? Or is there a config option that I missed to set?

(I am able to insert it as a picture in Word, but looks like a big drawing and has to be plotted, which I can't do from Word)

Any help is greatly appreciated.
CGM files are Computer Graphics Metafiles, a vector format. I don't think you can open them in ProE. I mostly make CGM files of drawings to import into MS Word. They seem to work better than HPGL.
I was able to open a dawing and the insert CGM data into the drawing. This also allows you to scale in to the size of your drawing
Hi triley_56, i wanted to upload that CGM file for you to have it tried inserting in Pro/E, but the file size is more than 50KB (even when zipped). I can send that if you can give me your email id.

I did try doing it myself though, still can't get it to work and Pro/E quits.

In order to import it into Word or any MS Application the Filter for it needs to be installed. For some reason it is not a default option on Office 2000 and higher...

They work really well with Docs and such, since it keeps the line sizes in the right proportions.

One thing I found when bringing them back into PROE is to create an empty drawing first than do the insert, data from file. For some reason trying to bring them directly into a drawing by using the open it crashes.
I would attempt to load the .cgm into a paint program to see if the data is valid. If so, save the file from the paint program and attempt to re-import into Pro/E.

