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ideas to solidworks


New member

Does anyone know of a program/plugin to switch between the two in solidworks?

Ex. take an ideas file convert to solidworks, than solidworks file to ideas. If anyone has any information that would be greatly appreciated!

Export from either program as IGES, STEP or parasolid format. You will loose the history of each part as these formats are solid masses or surfaces.

I've found it's not really good to switch back and forth, I'd convert to all of one kind. Otherwise, keep everything in a nuetral format. i.e. iges, parasolid, pdf, etc.

good luck.
I'd agree with ttraser, try and use the one program.

I do use both ProE and SolidWorks on a daily basis but I make sure individual projects are always kept to one program unless I'm forced for some rare reason to swap between the two. It is good to be able to use 2 packages, means biggerpay cheques.


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