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keith faskin

New member
i need advice on transfering both ways from and to Icem

in particular to stop nurbing of corner fillets when returning to icem as these make the transfer pointless as surfaces in icem need to be rebuilt from scratch.
Edited by: keith faskin
wild2 to icem4r311

the icem guys here say it always been so and once its been through proe the surfaces have to be thrown away and start again, i might point out its in the car concept design stage and its a trial and they are labouring the case a lot.
Well, the surface quality between the apps is worlds apart. WF2 is making slow advances now with ISDX (called Style now).

Any demo I've seen with ICEM involves importing surface or cloud data and then resurfacing in ICEM.
i really need to speak to someone who knows advanced surfacing with a background in proe designer CDRS that is a surfacer. that imediatley dismisses 99.9 percent of ptc AEs and if you know any one please direct them in my direction please.

if you have experience then i need to know what the implicit formats of iges and or accuracy etc and methods that will not nurb a fillet, on export, or import into ICEM
Iges brrrrrrr

I have dump them several years ago - You will have always problems with
exporting surfaces - You will always have unwanted gaps :(

Did you try to "convert" those surfaces into
solids - or solidify them (make solids from them) - Maybe that will be good way
for experimenting because Iges is simply not enough precise (my opinion) I
suppose that my case of exporting surfaces (and parts and assemblies) even
without connection to icem is applicable to yours - I think that this problems
are very similar
iges is a surface only medium, so it doesnt really matter, but to answer your question yes i have, .object files actually make thing worse

what i want is to maintain the purity of complex surfaces, for them to retain there mathimatical integrity, whither they are from a solid or not.
Edited by: keith faskin
keith faskin said:
iges is a surface only medium, so it doesnt
really matter, but to answer your question yes i have, .object files
actually make thing worse

what i want is to maintain the purity of complex surfaces, for them
to retain there mathimatical integrity, whither they are from a solid
or not.

IGES has a 3D export set which is not compatible with all CAD systems.



Prior to release 2001 of Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/DESKTOP, ICEM, and CDRS data
was brought into Pro/ENGINEER by selecting #Feature #Create #Desktop In
/ ICEM In / CDRS In, respectively. This functionality has changed with
the new release of Pro/ENGINEER.



In release 2001 of Pro/ENGINEER, Pro/DESKTOP data can be imported by
selecting #Insert #Data from File and choosing the file for import.
ICEM and CDRS data can be imported be selecting #File #Open and
choosing the file to open.</tt>
thanks provan

but i know how it is done that way and also opening a start part checking ifthe model is setto absolute accuracy then import it, ive tried .icm file format butall of them come unzipped, and every thing is set correctlyin theconfig file, some of which you need to get from other software help files because proe doesnt tell you them all,but even if you manually pick edges they dont zip.

but the main problem is going the other way the nurbing of bezier surfaces, any one know about that.


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