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I wish to exist this in ProE 2001....

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New member
I know nothing about Wildfire, I'm working with ProE 2001, ... perhaps this problem is solved by Wildfire, but I'd like in drawing mode a command ( button) just like Format Painter in Word/Excel...

I'm working with a lot of dimensions with same tolerance and that command is just what I need. Right now I solved this problem with a mapkey.
What you need is the ability to select several dimensions at once and then change their attributes by inheriting (sp?) someone elses attributes.

Steve C
to swcalvert

As I said , I made a mapkey which work as u said , but I keep to find helpfull a ProE command to make this without a multiple selection.
It would nice to have something like this. I picture it working like changing the number of decimal places. You can do that individually but it is much nicer to hit format/decimal places, enter the number, then click on multiple dimensions and change them all at once.
to airion

ceea ce vrei tu se poate face ca program separat, exemplul il aveti chiar in firma la ceea ce lucrati.

incearca sa folosesti Pro/Web link si/sau Pto/Toolkit.

have a nice day.

nu va suparati! da' vreau sa vad reactia astora la mesajul asta dedicat ... pe care ei nu-l pot pricepe.

... uneori sunt prea aroganti ... unii dintre ei!
Pro-E 2001:


Display Settings

or Drawing format-Menu manager-Advanced-Tolerance Setup

daca nu merge, incercati la Domna Popa, ea stie!
You can certainly do that in R20. Just pick Modify Dim from the detail menu, select as many dimensions as you want, pick done select and change them all to the same dimension format and tolerance. Don't change the nominal though unless you really want them to all be the same size. Works like a champ, I use it all the time. You can change dimension text too.
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