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how to use ecuations in sketcher mode ?


New member
hi there!

does anyone know how can I make in sketcher mode a profil generated by ecuations? I know that I can do a curve from that ecuation before and with use edge option I can get that profil, but in this particular case I have to sketch this profil using ecuations in sketcher mode...
I actually don't know another way of doing it. I've always created datum curves and used the use edge option. is there any way you could work around it?
i don't know but may be helpful to you



after sketching your sketch you can control the dim through relations(equations)
can't use graphs, 'cause in order to schetch the graph traj. I should be able to schetch the trajectory using an ecuation, so... it's a vicious circle.

Using relations in schetcher mode helps, but this way I can control only few points from the profil, others points ain't exactly determined.
I would recomend that sketcher relations not be used. It is better to complete the solid feature and create part relations.

This will allow a user downstream to see how the part is created and driven in one place (at the part level) rather than in many places buried in features.
u can go to sketch mode and use relation in the relation edit file option u can give your equation and get the desired profile.

dear magi,

I know I can do that ... , but I'm more interesed about how can I sketch a profil generated, lets say, by sin(x) function. Using curves I can generate this profil and every point from this curve is a result of this ecuation, but in sketcher mode using relations I can constrain only few points from this curve/spline...


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