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how to repare a iges file in part mode


New member
i m having a problem that i exopt a iges file from rhino and thatis having some profile shape iwant torepare it and make a solid. what should the procedure to make that ?????????????


prasanta kumar parida

[email protected]
open the iges, this will ask you to select what you want to import it into pro-e as - pick part.

This will import the IGES data.

You will see in the model tree that your imported data is shown as a feature in the tree.

Right click on this and select redefine.

This will now bring up the data import doctor pull downs.

Sellect what you want to do to repair the model.

Usualy (?&^!*) just auto repair and zip gaps (set the value depending on how big the part is a nd what you need) fixes it for me.

By repairing the data/filling holes you should arrive at a complete quilt which can be turned into a protrusion.

create-protrusion-use quilt.

hope it works!


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