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In drawing mode go to Insert - Object - Microsoft Excel Worksheet, but it might not print it and I haven't spent too much time with it to figure out why.
In drawing mode go to Insert - Object - Microsoft Excel Worksheet, but it might not print it and I haven't spent too much time with it to figure out why.
You can dynamically change the size of the table by picking the table (already in Pro), grabbing the corners (they should have pick boxes) and moving to a size that is appropriate. Any more questions, you can email me.
With regards to proe-2001, Goto Insert/object menu in drawing mode, u get two options creat new/creat from file, click on creat from file & browse for excel file if it is already existing, If u switch on link its required to have ur excel file in working directory otherwise u can handle excel in drawing mode independently. click ok to get table. right click on table & select edit object to enter into excel file in drawing mode to edit (change text color, etc.) . drag the corner to adjust height & width.
Insert > object > Create New > Excel Spreedsheet > OK
Open your excel file you want to import, select the cells and copy them, then go and activate the Excel Spreedsheet you have just created in Pro/E, and paste the cells. As you can see from this option you can manage better your inserted *.xls file.
Is it possible to get the drawing to update when you change the worksheet. I created a drawing with a worksheet, saved, closed out, and then changed the worksheet. When I opened the drawing back up it was just blank.
I'm having very good success importing an Excel spreadsheet into a drawing and being able to edit it directly in the drawing by entering values in certain cells that automatically get grabbed to calculate the values for other cells using these cells in a formula.
We are currently running 2001, build 2003400.
My only issue is this:
The imported Excel file does not publish in ProductView.
Does anyone have any ideas why and if there's a way to resolve this?
OLE (Object Linking and Imbedding) was not available prior to 2001. The Insert drop down menu also was not present prior to 2001. Unfortunately, I haven't used 2000i2 in three years, so I can remember how to place a non-Pro E object into a drawing (or even if it was possible).
I was told by PTC support that the only way to get imported objects to print was to use the MS print manager configuration instead of the Pro/E print configs. This worked fine for printing. I think Product View probably uses a postscript or some other Pro/E driver to create the viewable image so you don't get the attached object.
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