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How to dimension with apitoolkit


New member

How to dimension in drawing automaticallywith apitoolkit? I try to dimesion in drawing with apitoolkit,but proe always requireinteractive dimension. What apitoolkit function is used to dimension in drawing automatically? Can anyone list those functions or any apitoolkit code?

thanks in advance

Best regards


[email protected]

Look up the function ProDrawingDimCreate. Also look up the following section in the API wizard: User's Guide -> Drawings -> Drawing Dimensions -> Drawing Dimension Attachments and Dimension Creation.

You can programmatically create the array of ProSelection objects to input into ProDrawingDimCreate therefore not requiring any user input at all.

Patrick Williams
You should look at the "show" dimension by view functions within Pro/TOOLKIT, however, if you do not know what you want to show up where, you will have one hell of a time trying to get things "automatically" dimensioned..

It is probably better to do the detailing and let Pro/E do it's thing upon regeneration.


Thank williaps and dhbigelow for good advice.

My trouble nowis that I have known the coordinates of the dimension should located and what type dimension shoud be created, but I don't know endpoint of which entities areat this location.

So I have to enumerate all entities ofa view,and thenjudge which entities endpoints match the location. It is very slowlyifthe model of the view is complex. Is there any good method or function to get the entities I want more rapidly and easy?

Thanks very much,




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