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how to debug step by step?


New member
I'd like to debug step by step in visual c++6.0,

please tell me to how to deel with it.

thanks a lot.

Now ,i am developing a Pro/Toolkit Application,and use vc++6.0 to compile my c source code.However,i can't track

parameter by using F9 and to debug it?
This is a very common question, and PTC has done a poor job documenting the process to debug toolkit applications.

Here are the following steps:

1. If you are building an EXE or a DLL then you must add the complier option to allow debugging.

/debug:full /debugtype:CV /PDBTYPE:CON /PDB:debuginfo.dat /PROFILE /MAP /MAPINFO:LINES /MAPINFO:EXPORTS

more information can be found about the debugging options in the c++ documentation under make files.

2. If you make a DLL:

After your toolkit project is running go to task manager and select the process labeled xstop.exe and debug this process. Then open your c++ code and place a break point at the location that you wish to start debugging.

2b. If you make an EXE

open task manager.

select your EXE with the right mouse and pick debug. Then open your c++ code and place a break point at the location that you wish to start debugging.

I hope this helps you and others.

Jonathan Cook

415 929 5297 (call me with any other questions)

good luck.
2b. If you make an EXE

open task manager.

select your EXE with the right mouse and pick debug. Then open your c++ code and place a break point at the location that you wish to start debugging.

a problem is:break point is not permitted to set.

why?Can you send me .mak file by e-mail?

my e-mail:p[email protected]

