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How to Create a Spherical Helical Path


New member
Is there a simple way to create a spherical helical path (like a continuous orange peel)? I do not need to start or stop at the poles, near is fine. I basically want to cover a sphere (except near poles) with a continuous tube.
Draw the helix using Pitch & Revolution option with variable pitch.

In region parameters set appropriate values for diam. & pitch.

Mark Wilson
You can also create lots of cool shapes using 3D splines created from intersecting surfaces which have been generated from helixes and other shapes.

For example, sweep a horizontal line along a helical path, then do a revolved surface so that the 2 surfaces intersect. Create an intersection curve where the surfaces intersect, then sweep for example a circle along the intersection curve.

As I said you can do lots of things with this principal.
Create a siral on one plane

convert to entities on a second plane

create a hemisphere

project spiral (converted entity) onto surface of hemispehre

create 3D sketch, and convert projected spiral (on hemi) to entity to get 3D spiral.

copy 3D sketch to new drawing, paste

create profile at end of sprial

sweep You get a 3D spiral which follows the surface ofthe sphere created int eh first drawing.

If you sweeep - cut in the first model you wil get a spiral groove in the hemi but you cannot delete the hemi

If you sweep - merge will get a spiral ridge on surface of hemi


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