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How to bring Acad dwg into ProE drw


New member
Can anyone please tell me how to bring a small AutoCad drawing intoa ProE drawing -- and hopefully be able to edit & move it around?

Thanks for any help . . .

if its small u could always open it into sketcher. but if u try
to open a big acad file it will likely crash or take rediculouse
amounts of time.

insert->data from file-> dxf
Thanks so much for the suggestions.

I tried the process you mentioned -- the Acad dxf was brought-in at 0,0 and took many attempts just to move it.
I was hoping someone might know of an infallable process to insert the dwg or dxf, and still be able to scale, edit or move it around.

Maybe I'm expecting too much -- huh?

Thanks again . . .RLRick001
u shoudl see a small red circle with some cross hairs when u import it.
u can use that move move it around to where ever u want in the drawing.
alwasy best to have something for it to snap to though.
What exactly is the Best method to bring-in the Acad dwg? Import? Insert? As you can see -- I'm still new at ProE.

Thanks . . . RLRick001

initially move the drawing to 0,0 in requiredpoint in acad then save it as DXF ,


open the DXF in Proe drawing mode the sysprompt scal to fit enter NO

Again prompt :move to orgin enter NO

then save it as IGES

finallyopen this file in proe part :insert< dataform file(open in default location as you wish)
if you import in side the sketch it is used only that operation

else import in part mode you can create multiple feature
Thank you...Thank you...Thank you

My every attempt to complete the task was less than sucessfull as you can imagine.

I am so appreciative to you (ALL) for helping me with my delema. I will put your valuable suggetions to work Monday morning . . .

I will definately be a regular visitor on this Forum -- You people are the best!
Hi All, Hi nmvselvam!!!

I did it as your guiding but i got some problems that the adding drawing' large than default drawing.

When I'm adding views, the views're small.

Any suggestion for mewill be grateful.

Best regards

