Hello: I hope someone can help me, I am learning pro-e
on a student edition and I can't figure out how to copy
a part or sheetmetal model and it's associated drawing
to new files for modifiction. also I can copy an assembly
and all it's parts to another copy, but how do you get
the draft of the assembly model and the sub parts drawing
to copy
Note: I used help and it said to: create new, uncheck default
template, and supply a model for the template and check copy associated drawings, but I get a message that says:
Model of this class is not allowed to copy from
Is this a function of student edition?
on a student edition and I can't figure out how to copy
a part or sheetmetal model and it's associated drawing
to new files for modifiction. also I can copy an assembly
and all it's parts to another copy, but how do you get
the draft of the assembly model and the sub parts drawing
to copy
Note: I used help and it said to: create new, uncheck default
template, and supply a model for the template and check copy associated drawings, but I get a message that says:
Model of this class is not allowed to copy from
Is this a function of student edition?