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how can we provide time gap


New member

My problem here is how can we provide time gap between to moving parts for eg if i have 2 mechanism one having translation motion and other rotating i want a gap of 5 secs between these 2 mechanism how do i create it if some one out there have any idea plz let me know waitin for reaponse bye

if I uderstood well what you need is: your mechanism has more sub-mechanisms; one of them is driven by a translational motor and the other one by translational motor? If this is a case, you can in Analysis definition under Motor tab (if you're working with MDO) set the time rates for each of your motors. For example: the start moment for your analysis is 1sec and the end time is 15sec (so the time rate would be 15 sec) now you set the time rate so that you say motor1 (for eg. rotational) goes from 1 to 5 and motor2 from 10 to 15, and in between you have your desired time gap.
It should work if I understood the problem well...


If you are using animation then record each motion as seperate key frame sequences. Both will appear in the time line at the bottom of the screen then adjust the start time of the second KFS to be the end of KFS1 + 5seconds.

If you're not using animation then this will be no use at all

