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Holes Mirror - WildFire2


New member
I have discovered that whichever option I use to mirror holes, I usually have to go into the mirrored hole set and flip the direction on the 1st hole of a pattern in order to get the holes to show in the structure. Before this the holes show when the pattern is selected but they do not appear in the structure.

Ihave also found that when using a table to pattern holes in an assembly made up from seperate parts usually results in the holes being highlighted when selected but not actually showing in the structure.

Has anyone experienced similar events or am I doing something wrong.
I don't know the exact problem that you face, but one thing I tell you that mirroring and patterning in assemby mode is different than in part mode.

Mirroring holes is also not a good practice.

If you can send your assemly I will help you.


