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Holes don’t appear in hole table


New member
I have created a hole table in a drawing, but there are a couple of holes on the drawing view which do not appear in the hole table. They have been created as holes in the model tree so I don't know why they have not appeared in the table. I am using wildfire 5.

One thing to check is the surface that the holes were created on. Z axis should always point outward from surface (positive normal direction) the hole is created on. For example a flat plate that hasone groupholes defined on one surface and another group of holes defined on the oppositesurface, even though the holes are aligned, depending on the orientation of the coordinate system chosen only one group of holes will show in the hole table.
I've checked the model and you are right. The problem was due to the surface that the hole was created on. I revised the side of the plate which the hole is referenced to, and the hole now appears in the table.

Thanks very much for your help.

I've got the same problem, except my holes on the reverse side are counterbored, so I can't just change their primary reference surface. I attempted to create 2 hole tables with the 2 separate coordinate systems (one for front, one for back), and I received the error "One view may not host two sets of hole labels". Is there any way around this besides creating a separate view for the back side holes? I'm using WF5 also. Thanks!
jtk141 said:
"One view may not host two sets of hole labels". Is there any way around this besides creating a separate view for the back side holes?
Try using axis instead of the hole. I don't have proe open now. I think it should work. You will at least get the x,y co-ordinates for the holes.


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