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Help! Senior Project model doesn't run in Pro/M.


New member

I am a college student doing my senior project and I having a problem running Pro/M for my model. I am using thin-wall(.04) for a 2 inch tube. If I increased the wall-thickness to .2, it would run.

I am getting this error. Please help.

The design study terminated abnormally.

Error creating Pro/MECHANICA database.


Memory and Disk Usage:

Machine Type: Windows NT/x86

RAM Allocation for Solver (megabytes): 384.0

Results Directory Size (kilobytes):

The design study terminated abnormally.

An internal engine error has occurred. Please be sure

to run error checking before you run this study. If

you have run error checking, then contact Customer Support.
How much free disk space do you have? Could be that bumping the thickness up makes the file-space requirements just squeak by...

If you are in school, then you might have some kind of file-space quota or something that you are bumping into...

Just an idea.

-Brian Adkins
How much total memory you have in the computer you are using? Are you using stand alone or integrated with proE ? Usually if it is a memory problem it will tell you in the summary. What type of elements are you using solids or shells ? Using shells will reduce the amount of memory the analysis will need.
How much total memory you have in the computer you are using? Are you using stand alone or integrated with proE ? Usually if it is a memory problem it will tell you in the summary. What type of elements are you using solids or shells ? Using shells will reduce the amount of memory the analysis will need.
Sorry, it's 2 in diameter and I have 80GB of HD space.

I don't think it's a hardware issue.

If I increase the wall-thickness to .2 from .04 it would run fine.

It seems that it not able to create elements. I believe you are using solids and since the walls are so thin at .04 inches MECHANICA must create very small elements. Have you try to create shell elements? If you create shell elements I believe this will resolve your problem.

I just ran an internal pressure (80,000 psi, yes it failed :) run on 2 O.D. X .049 wall thickness, 316 stainless- it ran fine.

I've got about 5 GB free space, 1 GB swap, 1GB RAM, 3GHz processor..

I constrained at the surfaces of each end of the tubing..

102.44 CPU time..
I'm not with Luis.. ( no offense luis...)

I disagree...There must be a constraint problem, or sufficient swap space on the hard drive has not been allocated..

I dropped the wall thickness to .03 Using a quick check and the default element style:

hell Element Type: Quad and Tri

Solid Element Type: Tetra

Allowable Angles (Degrees):

Edge Min: 5.0 Max: 175.0

Face Min: 5.0 Max: 175.0

Max Allowable Edge Turn (Degrees): 95.0

Max Allowable Aspect Ratio: 30.0


Completed Analysis: Analysis1

Tue Dec 09, 2003 08:10:20

Elapsed Time (sec): 83.79

CPU Time (sec): 80.80

Memory Usage (kb): 913126

Work Dir Disk Usage (kb): 76800
I didn't read how long the tube is, but if its very long a 2d model might also be the trick. I know its sacreligious in today's 3d world and I may be showing my age, but I remember a company who designed ballistic missles with a FEM program that had an upper limit of 17 elements!

Of course, if you can't get the model to run with the pretty pictures there's always s= (p*r)/t



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