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Helmet modeling


New member

I am modeling a troop helmet but unable to give the desired shape.My input is 2d drawings with useles dimensions(my judgement only).I tried with style after importing curves from a resembling jpg file.

I would be very grateful if any one could send me a Pro-e model of any troop helmet.

My mail id is [email protected]

Thanking you,

if you have a front, side and top view of the helmet, you can use a "trace sketch" within style.. that is you can place these sketches on datum planes and then if you know even one dimension you can rescale the drawings very easily.

then simply build your curves and creat your surfaces, thicken it and you have your helmet!
if you have it on paper, scan it in, and I find that it often helps to use a package like photoshop / corel draw or even microsoft photo draw to "Trace" a more definate line over the edges, but if the scan is clear then there's no need.. :)

if you have any problems with it let me know and I'll see of I can help you out some more!
I use corel draw alot too, tis a very useful tool when trying to reproduce images in pro.


Hello James.Lynch I was having difficulties inspite of following your instructions. Must be because I am a newbie in surface modeling. I have uploaded a model --my attempt in wf2.0 Educational version. If possible pls tell me where I am going wrong.

Guidance from anyone willing to spare time is most welcome .

Thank you,


View attachment 614

now this was very crude.. not much time at the moment, basically what you need to do is firstof all create the curves within the one style function. now you don't have to do this, but you were creating each curve in individual style fratures andyou dont have to do this!

now as I said I havent done this properly.. but what you'd want to do is create quadrants and define curves for each quadrant. link them toeach other by holding the Shift Key when dragging them to the curve you want to attach them to. then you want totune your curves by defining what curves are normal to what plane (Mirror plane for example) and what curves are surface tangent.

now Pro doesn't like 3 sided surfaces, it will do them (and I used them in this example to close the hole at the top) but again they are not recommended, thaty can cauise problems later when thickening etc... to do them properly replace one side of the triangle with 2 curve on surfaces. which gives a4 sided surface..

Also the lip at the front should be made seperately...

the best thing I can tell you is to go through the tutorials in the Help, (the kettle and the Toaster anyway) They really are very good and they will clear a lot up!

hope this helps,

Thanks a lot James.

I have made 60% by following your earlier advice. I feel I can improve on it by using your advice about the quadrants.

Thanks once again,

no problem! Glad I could help.. :)

I really can't stress how good the kettle and toaster tutorials are in the help.. it really clears up a lot for beginners!

The improtant concept to get accross is the whole "Leader/Follower" or "Parent/Child" relationship between the curves and the surfaces.. basically what this means is that if you want to create a surface that is going to mirrored accross a plane and if you dont want a boundry line on your final surface, here's what you do!

1. you create your boundry curves (can also useedges of existing geometry or sketcher entities from pro..) and create your internal curves (if necessary) here it's important not to use too many points, use the yellow drag handles (explained later)

View attachment 629

2. the next thing I do anyway is "tune" (adjust) my curves. the first thing to make sure here is that all curves are joined. Now here comes THE IMPORTANT PART.. from within the edit function, click on the end of one of the curves adn a yellow drag handle will appear.. (drag it arround and see what happens.. the longer it is the more if affects your curve shape) now if you right click on these drag handles, a menu will appear and this is a POWERFUL and IMPORTANT menu!

View attachment 630

So basically what I'm saying is that is you make sure that your curves (Leader) are normal to a plane (or surface tangent to an existing surface or whater) the the resulting surface (Follower) will be normal at al points accross it's boundry!

So looking at the picture below, you can see that the SURFACE is NORMAL to the mirror plane (denoted by the yellow arrow) and not accross the bottom plane!! This is because we defined the LEADER (Curves) as normal to the mirror plane and no other plane.. This resulted in a Normal FOLLOWER (Surface)..

View attachment 631

well I suppose this is technically surface normal, but if you mirrored the surface, you would have a tangent connection across the boundry..
Edited by: james.lynch
Hello James,

I am unable to give an extra prtection at the ear side ,some sort of projection. I unable to get a continous surface.I will upload an image file soon.

Any ideas are welcome,

Thank you,

take a look at the Toaster model in the help!

once you have your curves creaed (free and COS) set up sutfacce tangencies by selecting the drag handle and right click and select "Surface tangent"..

If you are really stuck and have looked at the toster model and still need help, suppress all features and upload the file if needs be an I'll fix it for you..

you are simply making things too complicated! I followed (tried to :( ) your modeling technique in the model player and you are missing the key concepts of ISDX.. and I'm afraid that's something I simply cant tell you over the net.. you are going to have to go through (in detail) the help files, there is no other wayto do it, and unfortunately, the model you uploaded is too complicatd to follow for me to fix..

here is a copy of the file sudhish attached which should be compatabile with a commercial version if anybody feels they can comment on it..

you don't need any of those sketches, revolves, etc.. all you need is ISDX (which you have) and the JUG and TOASTER models in the help!

all you need are the curves of the cross-sections without the lip at the front first of all.. then create the surface (all in the same style feature).. no revolves..

then create a second style feature for the lip..

I'm sorry I can't fix your model.. but you have to go through the help files, and when you have a mastered them perfectly, try your model again..

