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helical surface on Var sec sweep ....control of equation


New member

Ive created a variable section sweep, choosing my trajectories and then drawing in 'sketcher' my section.

For this particular feature i have created a helical surface along the trajectory.

The surface is created from:


and added under 'sketch' 'relations'

Once out of sketcher, and completed the feature, is there any way to modify the equation without going back into sketcher all the time?

Many thanks
Yes, if you have your option set like this:


then you're relation editor will look like this:

View attachment 264

Set your drop down menu to Feature. Then select the feature that you want to access the relations for.
Ive done the above

and under sketcher editor, section i find my equation:


if in editor i change the '17' to 'turns' ie adding a parameter, it will regen properly in the editor mode.

but if.....

i change the parameter through pro prog or directly throught the parameter the regen will not work, the figure will alter but not visually on the screen.

Regen will only work when i have the window open showing the original sketcher relations?

Is this right?
You should be able to change the parameter under Setup > Parameters, then regenerate your part and it should update properly.

Just to make sure, set up a parameter called TURNS, make it a Real Number, and give it a value (i.e. 17). Your relation should be something like sd7=TURNS*360*trajpar.

P.S. Are you using the new parameter UI?

Yeah! i am using new_relation_ui yes

For some reason it wouldnt work gor ages, i had a break then it seemed to work just fine so im not sure what my problem was.

But many thanks for your help!


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