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Heidenhain TNC355 post processor from MasterCam


New member
Am trying to run a Heidenhain TNC 355 controlled milling machine from MasterCam but need a post processor.

i.e. Someone will do the post processing from my CAD drawings but only if I can find the right post processor.

Only generic ones supposedly available, which need significant modification, blood sweat & tears not to mention a few ****'s

to get these things to talk.

Does anyone have one already written? Please. this is a fully working post, for mcam, to run TNC355 in conversational, arcs in xy, xz and yz etc. Drilling cycles need datum set to top of work, z=0 , it will work if z isn't zero but i can't remember how. Output: set up above work is -ve and cut depth below work is also -ve, all values must be either +ve or -ve otherwise you get an error. I've used it for a couple of years with no problem, does surfaces etc etc, trying to get it to do helical interpolation for threads, so if you know anyone, please send them my way. Many Thanks. Lawrence.
I need a postprocessor for HEIDENHAIN TNC 155! Would you
be so kind to send it to me at this e-mail:
[email protected]

thank you!

Edited by: gorsek1
Can you also let me have a copy, I'm looking for a post edit to do helixes for thread cutting, also to edit the post so I can use a 4th axis just for positioning. I have a great post for Mastercam to Heidenhain conversational if anyone needs it let me know.
Hi all, I am using a TNC 151, and need a postprocessor for
solidcam. I would greatly appreciate if you could tell me
where to get it or sent it to<a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">my
email</a>. Thanks alot! this is a fully working post, for mcam, to run TNC355 in conversational, arcs in xy, xz and yz etc. Drilling cycles need datum set to top of work, z=0 , it will work if z isn't zero but i can't remember how. Output: set up above work is -ve and cut depth below work is also -ve, all values must be either +ve or -ve otherwise you get an error. I've used it for a couple of years with no problem, does surfaces etc etc, trying to get it to do helical interpolation for threads, so if you know anyone, please send them my way. Many Thanks. Lawrence.

Hi!... can you email me the post for mastercam haidenhain? [email protected]
anyone have post for heidenhain old versions? like TNC 125, TNC355? with blokform, arc, 3D arc and peck drill options? I use Mastercam X5

