I Need Heeeelp!
I have just purchased a new computer - AMD Xp1800, 256MB DDR2700 RAM, Geforce4 128 MB Ti4200!!
I was looking forward to using Pro/E 2001 Student Version on it - but that wasn't to be!
Everything looked fine, but as soon as I tried rotating objects - my screen starts to flicker! A lot of little small boxes flashes across the screen aroung the object!!!
Does anyone know what could be the problem??
I am getting a little bit desperate!!
Hope to hear from you soon!
I have just purchased a new computer - AMD Xp1800, 256MB DDR2700 RAM, Geforce4 128 MB Ti4200!!
I was looking forward to using Pro/E 2001 Student Version on it - but that wasn't to be!
Everything looked fine, but as soon as I tried rotating objects - my screen starts to flicker! A lot of little small boxes flashes across the screen aroung the object!!!
Does anyone know what could be the problem??
I am getting a little bit desperate!!
Hope to hear from you soon!